TX Block 부분은 Parallel로 받은 Data를 다시 Serial로 변경시켜서 출력하는 Block입니다.
저번에 제작한 FIFO Block에서 나온 Output을 받아 TX를 제작하겠습니다.
TX에서도 상태 변화를 FSM(Finite State Machine)을 사용하여 구현하겠습니다.
uart_tx.v code
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module uart_tx(
input [7:0] DATA, // output from the FIFO
input START, // ~Empty signal from FIFO
input RST,
input CLK,
output reg TXD // Serial output. It's equal to RXDin
localparam [1:0] idle = 2'b00, //FSM state component
start = 2'b01,
tx_send = 2'b10,
stop = 2'b11;
reg [3:0] curr_state, next_state; //FSM state Register
reg [3:0] over_sample_cnt, bit_cnt;
wire over_sample_cnt_done, bit_cnt_done;
wire parity;
wire baud_x16_en;
reg [7:0] tx_data_in;
wire [8:0] tx_data = {parity, tx_data_in};
always @ (posedge CLK) begin
tx_data_in <= DATA;
always @ (posedge CLK) begin // Check the state per 1 clk, change to the next state
if (RST)
curr_state <= idle;
curr_state <= next_state;
always @ (curr_state, START, over_sample_cnt_done, bit_cnt_done) begin //FSM
case (curr_state)
idle : // when START be a '1' in idle state, Change curr_state to start
next_state = start;
else // else maintain the idle
next_state = idle;
start : // when 'over_sample_cnt_done' be a '1' in start state, Change curr_state to tx_send
next_state = tx_send;
else // else maintain the start
next_state = start;
tx_send : // when 'over_sample_cnt_done & bit_cnt_done' be a '1' in tx_send state, Change curr_state to stop
if(over_sample_cnt_done && bit_cnt_done)
next_state = stop;
else // else maintain the tx_send
next_state = tx_send;
stop : // when 'over_sample_cnt_done' be a '1' in stop state, Change curr_state to idle
next_state = idle;
else // else maintain the stop
next_state = stop;
default : next_state = idle;
// The part of making over_sample_cnt
always @ (posedge CLK) begin
if (curr_state == idle)
over_sample_cnt <= 5'd15;
else if (baud_x16_en)
over_sample_cnt <= over_sample_cnt -1;
assign over_sample_cnt_done = (over_sample_cnt == 4'd0) & baud_x16_en;
//The part of making bit_cnt
always @ (posedge CLK) begin
if (curr_state != tx_send)
bit_cnt <= 4'd0;
else if (over_sample_cnt_done)
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1;
assign bit_cnt_done = over_sample_cnt_done & (bit_cnt == 4'd8);
//make a parity
assign parity = tx_data[7:0];
//Parallel to Serial (TXD)
always @ (curr_state, bit_cnt) begin
if (curr_state == idle || curr_state == stop)
TXD = 1'b1;
else if (curr_state == start)
TXD = 1'b0;
TXD = tx_data[bit_cnt];
//instance the uart_baud_gen
uart_baud_gen baud_gen_10 (
.BAUD_X16_EN (baud_x16_en)
uart_top.v code
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module uart_top(
input RST,
input CLK,
input RXD,
output [6:0] AN,
output CA,
output PAR_ERR,
output FRM_ERR,
output TXD
wire [7:0] rx_data;
wire rx_data_rdy, empty;
wire [7:0] dout;
reg [7:0] dout_reg;
always @ (posedge CLK) begin
if (~empty)
dout_reg <= dout;
uart_rx uart_rx_0 (
.RX_DATA (rx_data),
.RX_DATA_RDY (rx_data_rdy),
my_fifo fifo_0(
.DIN (rx_data),
.WR_EN (rx_data_rdy),
.DOUT (dout),
.RD_EN (~empty),
.EMPTY (empty)
display_inf disp_0 (
.CLK (CLK), // 125 Mhz
.NUM_1S (dout_reg [3:0]),
.NUM_10S (dout_reg [7:4]),
.CA (CA),
.AN (AN)
uart_tx uart_tx_0 (
.START (~empty),
.DATA (dout),
가장 아래에 tx부분을 추가하여 module들을 연결해 주었습니다.
이렇게 FIFO와 Baud_x16_gen 모듈의 값에 따른 FSM을 구현한 TX module을 제작하여, 기존 uart에 연결하는 과정까지 마무리하였습니다
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